Food for the Soul

You are what
 you eat. Explore in depth your current dietary habits, lifestyle and goals.

We will focus on all aspects of your self-awareness, what you eat, how you eat, how you feed your mind and how you feel in your body. You will eat well and nourish your body with organic food. You will clear emotions that are an important part of your overall wellness and that will leave you emotionally balanced and energised. You will leave us with a new perspective and sense of life balance with mind, body and spirit though gaining self-knowledge and understanding of a health and wellness lifestyle.



Check into your accommodation, relax and unwind. Meet your group and your coaches. Have a healthy dinner, get a good night’s sleep and get ready to start in the morning!

Day 2

  • Yoga and Meditation session

  • Breakfast
  • Nature walk combined with grounding exercises 
  • Introduction to healthy foods, you are what you eat. Explore in depth your current dietary habits, lifestyle and goals 
  • Lunch

  • Free time
  • Workshop (topic varies daily)*
  • Cooking class
  • Dinner / Relaxation practise


  • Yoga and Meditation session
  • Breakfast

  • Nature walk combined with grounding exercises 
  • Group discussion

  • Lunch

  • Free time

  • Workshop (topic varies daily)*
  • Cooking class 
  • Dinner / Relaxation practise


  • Yoga and Meditation session

  • Breakfast

  • Nature walk combined with grounding exercises 
  • Group discussion

  • Lunch
  • Free time

  • Workshop (topic varies daily)*
  • Cooking class 
  • Dinner / relaxation practise


  • Leisure time on the first of May will be decided during the days, healthy take away lunch and water are included. Other on-site rental services are excluded from the price.
  • Depart at your leisure after lunch


Infusions, water, vino are included.

If you bring a friend you will be entitled to a 20% discount.

The program is aimed at small groups of up to 10 people.


* Workshops will vary day by day and will include stress reduction techniques, discussions of motivation, willpower, ETF -Tapping, Matrix imprinting, cooking classes and more.

** Grounding is to perceive where your body is resting, "focusing" on every part of our body, legs, arms, hands, facial features. It is a technique to be aware of your body and the sensations it feels.

One to one coaching sessions are available during free time period at additional cost.

Book your Program


Includes all the services listed in the program. Price does not include overnight stay.


The price includes all the services listed in the program, 4 overnight stays (in shared rooms for 2 and 3 people) and materials. Shuttle from Fattoria Lombardo to Men - Porto Palo - Lido Fiori during leisure time.


The price includes all the services listed in the program, 4 overnight stays in a double room for single use and materials. Transfer from the airports of Palermo to Fattoria Lombardo. Shuttle from Fattoria Lombardo to MenFI - Porto Palo - Lido Fiori during leisure time.


Dove Siamo - Where we Are

Mobile: +39 3387785866
Menfi (AG) - Sicily, Italia


Informativa ai sensi del reg. ue 2016/679 – regolamento sulla protezone dei dati personali - gdpr gentile utente, la informiamo sulle modalità, finalità e ambito di comunicazione e diffusione dei suoi dati personali e sui suoi diritti, in conformità all'art. 13 del reg. ue 2016/679. per offrirle i servizi o le informazioni da lei richieste, i suoi dati saranno trattati dalla Human 2 Nature, titolare del trattamento. i dati personali che lei fornirà verranno registrati e conservati su supporti elettronici protetti e trattati con adeguate misure di sicurezza anche associandoli ed integrandoli con altri database. i dati saranno conservati per il tempo strettamente necessario a dar corso alle richieste dell’interessato e comunque nel rispetto dei termini di legge, prevalentemente su server ubicati in Italia. In ogni momento lei potrà eventualmente modificare i consensi precedentemente forniti. Lei ha diritto di chiedere al titolare del trattamento l’accesso ai dati personali e la rettifica o la cancellazione degli stessi o la limitazione del trattamento che lo riguardano o di opporsi al loro trattamento, diritto alla portabilità dei dati; diritti specificamente previsti dal capo iii del regolamento europeo 2016/679. qualora ravvisasse una violazione dei suoi diritti può rivolgersi all’autorità di controllo competente, garante della protezione dei dati, ai sensi dell’art. 77 del regolamento ue 679/2016. per maggiori informazioni o per esercitare i vs. diritti, ai sensi del capo iii del gdpr, potete scrivere una mail a conformemente alla normativa vigente le chiederemo quindi di esprimere il consenso per i trattamenti di dati cliccando sul pulsante "invia".

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